Thor fans have mixed feelings after Taika Waititi says directors cuts arent good

As expected, Thor: Love and Thunder has been the number one topic of conversation online this weekend, but not entirely for the reasons people would have been expecting.

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Hype was through the roof heading into the release of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s latest chapter thanks to the acclaim that greeted predecessor Ragnarok, but the response to the Odinson’s fourth solo adventure has been a lot more muted. Love and Thunder holds one of the franchise’s lowest CinemaScores, and a lot of fans agree the pacing is haphazardly rushed.

Of course, that shouldn’t come as a surprise when Christian Bale revealed he’d shot scenes opposite Jeff Goldblum’s Grandmaster and Peter Dinklage’s Eitri, while Natalie Portman admitted that entire worlds and planets were among the many scenes trimmed to get Love and Thunder down to 119 minutes, so there’s a lot of juicy stuff lying on the cutting room floor.

Director Taika Waititi and star Chris Hemsworth teased a four-hour cut that was “batsh*t crazy”, but the former has since gone on to say that he’s no fan of extended editions, claiming that “director’s cuts are not good. I’ve been thinking about director’s cuts. I watch director’s cuts of a lot of other directors. They suck. Director’s cuts are not good.”

Naturally, social media had a lot to say about the Oscar-winner’s comments, whether it pertained to his latest film or not.

Like.. you don't have to like Director's cuts.. but do you have to be an asshole and shit all over other people's work like this? And fans of Director's Cuts? What an asshole thing to say

— Jan Arrah🏳️‍🌈 (@JanArrah) July 9, 2022

@TaikaWaititi can you please release the 4 hour director's cut of thor love and thunder #Thor #ThorLoveAndThunder

— arman shahid (@armanshahid_23) July 9, 2022

Thor: Love and Thunder is better a second time, but honestly give me a director's cut for an A grade

— Rebecca Cool Name Frost (@ewgrossrebecca) July 10, 2022

The way Taika says this comes across as rude and insulting to those directors.

All he should have said was, “I don’t think a director’s cut of Thor Love and Thunder is necessary.” That’s it.

— Alberto Herrera #NewDeal4Animation (@Alberto9Herrera) July 10, 2022

Thor: Love and Thunder was great, but apparently the director’s cut is 4 hours long compared to the theatrical release which was about 2 hours. I would love to see that!#releasethewaititicut

— Mark Margavage (@MeteoMark) July 9, 2022

He mockingly says his Love and Thunder director's cut is "four and a half hours long".

What is the most famous, most recent four-hour director's cut?

— Raiden the Monbebe with InSomnia #DEADRECKONING (@somnia_zen) July 10, 2022

thor love and thunder was good but now that i know there is a 4-hour director’s cut of it i’ll never rest until my eyeballs view it

— babu frik (@verathion) July 10, 2022

Thor: Love and Thunder was 2 hrs long and it felt 2x longer than a Lord of the Rings extended film.

And Kingdom of Heaven: Director's Cut proves you wrong.

— Aegon-087 (@SpartanMera) July 10, 2022

Disney Plus may add in a couple of deleted scenes when Thor: Love and Thunder comes to streaming, but any hopes for something meatier or more substantial seem to have been placed in the realm of wishful thinking, as much as we’d love to see the missing footage Christian Bale wishes we’d been able to witness.
